FasTran Urban Model
Two businessmen arrive at a suburban FasTran terminal. Looking north, a sleek, wide-bodied vehicle, which is twice the width of light rail, is nearing the terminal. The appearance of the vehicle is futuristic. FasTran frequent schedule is measured in minutes during rush hours and worry to catch a specific train at a specific time is not a concern for these commuters. The two businessmen enter the vehicle by one of two wide entry doors on the right side, while exiting passengers leave using the two wide doors on the left side. This dedicated flow pattern creates orderly, non-hassle, entry and exit. The two passengers are now in the super-wide vehicle that is equivalent to the interior cabin width of a B-747 aircraft. They enter on one of two entry/exit aisles that bisect the cabin from the right to left. From the cabin's front to the rear are three wide aisles. Each seat is entered/exited directly from/to an aisle, no climbing over another passenger to reach your seat. All seats are wide with premium comfort. Direct lighting highlights the passenger's seat area and indirect lightning provides a soft, aesthetic background. The doors close. The vehicle rapidly gains speed. One of the commuters scans the TV monitors located near the ceiling of the cabin. On one moniter the news, the second, financial returns; and the third, provides general entertainment in closed caption. The other commuter opens his tablet and accesses the internet via the vehicle Wi-Fi. Urban's interior and exterior are extremely quiet. The Guideway and Equipment Bay's outer walls and sound suppressant buffering contains the motor and wheel noise. Outside, the vehicle is traveling high above bumper to bumper freeway traffic. The vehicle appears to be airborne as a large portion of the vehicle's cabin is soaring in the free air space.
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